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Randonnée pédestre

The Maurice Zermatten trail



The Maurice Zermatten educational trail stretches from Combioula (700 m) to the Becs de Bosson mountain hut, taking you through the rich countryside and agricultural landscapes typical of the area.   
Born in Suen in 1910, Maurice Zermatten was destined to live an exceptional life.  From 1930 to 1935 he studied literature at Fribourg University. President of the Society of Swiss Writers, he was awarded the highest accolades including the Schiller prize, the Grand Prix de l'Academie Francaise and, amongst others, the Valais State Prize and an Honorary Doctorate from Fribourg University. Before his death in Sion in 2001, his work covered many literary genres including novels, stories, novellas, scripts and essays in which he evoked his origins in Valais, whose inhabitants and traditions fascinated him. Discover the educational trail brochure. It informs walkers about the works of Maurice Zermatten in relation to the local context, and provides information on this magnificent region's rich and varied fauna and flora as well as on the architecture and the typology of our ancient constructions. Arrows guide walkers throughout the trail while boards provide information relating to the brochure.  

Technical information

  • Difficulty Difficult
  • Duration 7h30min


The Maurice Zermatten trail

The Maurice Zermatten trail

Location / Access