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Summer activities

The Combioula Hot Springs


Warning ! Danger of flooding at all times!
The operators of hydroelectric facilities remind us that it is absolutely necessary to avoid staying in waterways
The caves are forbidden to access by decision of the authority.

The Val d’Hérens is often called the devil’s valley. Our ancestors perhaps believed this when they found the hot waters of Combioula. A number of mineral thermal springs emerge around the bed of the Borgne. Located at the bottom of the valley, these springs have been known since the 15th century.
These waters reach a temperature of 26 °C. At the start of the 18th century, Isaac de Rivaz tried to take advantage of these waters through extracting much of the salt which they contain. Due to a lack of financial resources, this was interrupted.

 Plan du lieu


The Combioula Hot Springs

The Combioula Hot Springs