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Randonnée VTT

Mountain bike trails in Saint-Martin


Saint Martin loop
The "around Saint-Martin" trail is easy and, at 5.5 km long and with an inclination of 250 m, ideal for families.

Eison - L'A Vieille
The Eison L'A Vieille trail has an inclination of 750 m over 8 km. It is also a section of the Grand Raid.

Eison - Volovron
The Eison - Volovron trail is 3.8 km long with an inclination of 270 m. It is a section of ​​the Grand Raid.
L’A Vieille - Pas de Lona
The route A Vieille - Pas de Lona is 2.2 km long and has an inclination of 410 m. This is a legendary section of the Grand Raid.

Lovégno - L'A Vieille
The Lovégno - L'A Vieille trail brings you through mountain pastures. It is 5 km long and has an inclination of 500 m.

Saint-Martin - Lovégno
Trail from St-Martin to Lovégno, where there is a snack bar. This route is 7.5 km long and has an inclination of 800 m. Adventurers looking to discover the region by bike can choose from a wide variety of trails and routes. These are some of the marked trails in the Saint-Martin region.
Suen - Mayen des Praz
The Suen-Mayens des Praz course is an 11.5 km long circuit with a 550 m inclination.

Adventurers looking to discover the region by bike can choose from a wide variety of trails and routes. These are some of the marked trails in the Saint-Martin region.

 Get a detailed map of the mountain bike trails in the Saint-Martin region here.

Technical information

  • Duration 0h30min


Mountain bike trails in Saint-Martin

Mountain bike trails in Saint-Martin