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Loveignoz mountain pasture and snack bar


Lise and her team welcome you to taste locale produce at the snack bar in this mountain pasture. Owner Lise and her cheese are now so renowned that they were the basis for a project to renovate the mountain pasture at Loveignoz. This took the form of a new building between the barn and the shepherds' house which serves as a snack bar, allowing Lise to display and sell some of the 5500 kg of raclette and tomme cheese she produces every summer in this magical place.


Loveignoz mountain pasture and snack bar

Loveignoz mountain pasture and snack bar

+41 (0)79 449 36 02



Alpage de Loveignoz
1969 Suen (Saint-Martin)

Location / Access

GPS coordinates :
46.17674103555954, 7.46629963073724